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If you’re thinking of road-tripping your summer getaway, think RVs. Recreational vehicles and their close cousin, campervans, are growing increasingly popular as more families hit the road for a true American adventure that’s easier on the wallet and heavy on the fun. When purchasing an RV, you can go all out with a fully loaded luxury vehicle, or go the less costly route by opting for a campervan, also called a Class B motorhome. 

If you’re still not convinced, here are seven reasons to buy an RV or a campervan: 

1. Save money

With a means of transportation and a place to stay all rolled into one, an RV helps you save significantly on your vacation costs. Plus, when you travel with an on-the-go kitchen, you can stock up on staples before heading out to cut down on the money you’ll spend feeding your family while on the road. In fact, despite the cost of fuel, a 2018 study conducted by the CBRE Hotels Advisory Group found that RV vacations were anywhere from 27-61% less expensive than conventional getaways. 

2. Privacy and comfort

Why fight for legroom on a crowded airplane when you can travel in a vehicle that gives you plenty of space to stretch your legs? Move around as much as you’d like (as long as you’re not in the driver’s seat), enjoy a private bathroom and catch a few winks in the sleeping area, all while traveling to your destination. No unpacking and repacking the vehicle when you stop at hotels along the way or sleeping with your face pressed to the window while stopped at rest areas. What more could you ask for while traveling? 

3. Increased flexibility

When you travel with your own means of transportation and a place to stay while on your vacation, there’s no need to be locked into specific dates for your getaway. Instead of working around the cheapest flights and hotel stays, you can come and go as you please and vacation on the schedule that works best for your family. 

 4. Explore more

Traveling by RV will give you the opportunity to take in the sights and sounds of each place you’ll pass through. You’ll enjoy every bit of picturesque scenery on your travels and have the leisure of stopping to watch a glorious sunset or a passing herd of deer. 

5. Bring your pets along

No need to arrange pet-sitters or to keep your furry friend in a carrier under an airline seat as your plane wings its way across the skies. When you travel by RV, you can bring your pets along and keep them nearly as comfortable as they’d be while at home. Plus, you’ll save on the cost of pet care while you’re gone, or footing the cost of an extra airline seat.

6. Tax benefits

In many states, owning an RV can mean enjoying significant tax benefits:

  • The homeowner’s deduction – if you claim your RV as your primary residence, you may be able to take the homeowner tax deduction for your vehicle.
  • Sales tax deduction – in many states, the sales tax you paid on the RV is tax-deductible for the year the RV was purchased. 
  • Interest deduction – you may be able to deduct the interest you pay on your RV loan from your taxes.
  • Business tax deduction – you may be able to claim this deduction if you work from your RV. 

Be sure to check with your accountant or tax advisor to see which of these tax benefits applies to you.

7. RV campgrounds are everywhere

You’ll find public, private and government-owned campgrounds near major attractions all around the country. Fees can be as low as $30 a night, or as high as $150 for upscale resorts with amenities. 

If you’re ready to take the plunge and purchase an RV or a campervan, look no further than ! Our RV loans have affordable interest rates, reasonable payback terms, and easy eligibility requirements for qualifying members. Call, click or stop by today to take the first steps on the road trip of a lifetime!

Need a loan? We have you covered.