Auto Loans

Because our auto loans are handled in house, we put the pedal to the metal when it comes to borrowing for your car, truck, motorcycle, and other recreational vehicles.

Person holding money

More About FDLCU Auto Loans

Applying for auto loans at Fond du Lac Credit Union is as easy as “ready, set, go!”

Whether you’re buying something for everyday travel or looking for something more recreational, we provide financing for both new and used vehicles, as well as boats, ATVs, campers, and more. Financing is based on your current credit score, which is calculated from your past credit history and compared to the common characteristics of other borrowers.

Because we know speed and convenience are important to you, our turnaround is FAST!  If you can’t make it into the office to sign, we can do everything electronically.

We want this to be a great experience for you – not just because it’s good for business, but because we’re neighbors. We shop at the same stores and our kids attend the same schools.

Car sales buying a new car handing over the keys

Loan Options

Loan options are available for the following:

  • Cars
  • Trucks
  • Motorcycles
  • Boats
  • Campers
  • Snowmobiles
  • ATVs

For a personal sale — in other words, sales made with anyone other than a dealer — you’ll need a Bill of Sale Form.

Collateral that isn’t titled by either the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) have higher rates.

Apply Online for an Auto loan

Getting pre-approved before you shop can help you stay within your budget and save time at the dealer! Simply apply online via the button below. 

Have a question?

For assistance or if you have any questions, give us a call at 920-921-1123 to speak to one of Fond du Lac Credit Union’s lending specialists.

Auto loan Rates


Interest Rate
Payment per $1,000
36 Months
48 Months
60 Months
72 Months
84 Months

*Rates are based on your credit score and age of collateral. Terms of loans may be reduced on vehicles 2018 and older. To obtain a specific rate with your personal qualifications, please contact a Lending Specialist. Add 1.00% to qualified rate for any non-titled recreational loan (includes ATVs, snowmobiles, trailers & jet skis). All rates and terms are subject to change without notice. Rates are effective as of the Approval Date of loan. Minimum of $25,000 on an 84-month term. Membership eligibility required.