Ready to boost your savings?
Save money on your terms! With higher interest rates than a traditional savings account and more flexibility than a certificate account, Fond du Lac Credit Union’s money management account allows you to make withdrawals and deposits whenever you like.
The money management account requires a minimum balance of $2,000.00, and minimum deposits into the account are $100.00. You are allowed up to six withdrawals per month (minimum withdrawal is $300.00) and can close this account at any time with dividends being paid up to the closing date.
How to open a money managment account
STEP 1: Be a member
Become a valued Fond du Lac Credit Union Member. Already a member? Skip to step two!
Step 2: Meet with us
To get our best money management rates, meet with one of Fond du Lac Credit Union’s member consultants. We accept walk-ins but prefer appointments. Call 920-921-1123 or contact us below to make an appointment.
Money management account Rates
*APY is Annual Percentage Yield. Rates subject to change without notice.